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Class 7

Class 7


lab 6 lab 7

Efficient collections via hashing


  • Dictionary ADT
  • Hashing
    • Goal: avoid collisions while preserving correctness.
    • Front end: hash value design for objects
      • for new application code
    • Back end: hash table design as a data structure.
      • from library

Hash Function Pipeline

Objects -> Integers -> Buckets

(key) (integers) (indices)


insert() insert a key value pair

find() based on keys return key value pair

remove() based on keys remove key value pair

some bad implementations

unsorted list1nnn
sorted listnnnn
sorted arraynnlog nn
min-heaplog nN/AN/An

Let U be the set of all possible keys

Allocate an array of size U

If we get a record with key k, put it in k's array cell.

direct table111U

problem for direct table:

  • U>>n
  • key aren't integers

Idea: Hash Functions

A hash function h maps keys k of some type to integers h(k) in a fixed range [0,N)

Collision, when two key mapped to one value

Simple strategy: chaining

hash tablen/m+1<f(n)<nn/m+1<f(n)<nn/m+1<f(n)<nm(buckets)+n

Simple Uniform Hashing

load factor = n/m

m can be adjust dynamically.

Controlling the Load Factor (in chaining, not linear probing)

constant load factor = constant complexities

hash DOS(Denial of Service) attack

Some Hash function design


Objects to be hashed have been converted to integer hash codes range from [0,N)

For java, &0x7fffffff (java hash code can be negative)

Two Main Approaches

Division hashing

bucket index = hashcode modulo table size.

the perils of division hashing:

if j = c mod m, them j mod d = c mod d

prime number!

avoid pow of 2 and 10

Multiplicative hashing

let A be a real number in [0,1)

b(c) = floor(((c*A)mod 1.0)m)

x mod 1.0 mean fractional part of x.

cA mod 1.0 is in [0,1), so b(c) is an integer in [0,m) - an index.

A should not be too small.

suggest picking A from [0.5,1)

Ex: A=(sqrt(5)-1)/2

Hashcode generation