Lecture 17
Given a sequence in , let . Calculate , , ... for the following sequences:
- : ,
- : ,
- : ,
- : ,
- : ,
New materials
Cauchy sequence
Theorem 3.11
(b) If is a compact metric space, then every Cauchy sequence in converges.
(c) In , every Cauchy sequence converges.
(b) Let . Since is Cauchy, . By Theorem 3.10 (a), .
Since is compact, and is closed, by Theorem 2.35, is compact.
Since , . By Theorem 3.10(b), such that .
We claim that converges to . Let , there exists such that , .
For any , .
So , by definition of diameter.
Therefore, converges to .
(c) Let be a Cauchy sequence in .
By Theorem 3.9, is bounded. So such that for all . Moreover . and is closed and bounded. Thus by Theorem 2.41, is compact.
Note that Theorem 2.41 only works for .
So by (b), converges to some .
Definition 3.12
Let be a metric space. We say is complete if every Cauchy sequence in converges.
Theorem 3.11(b) can also be rephrased as:
is a compact metric space is complete.
Theorem 3.11(c) can also be rephrased as:
is complete.
Note: completeness is a property of the "universe" , not a property of any particular sequence in .
is not complete. is a Cauchy sequence in but it does not converge in .
Fact: If is complete and is a closed subset of , then is complete.
Definition 3.13
A sequence of real numbers is said to be
- monotone increasing if for all .
- monotone decreasing if for all .
- strictly monotone increasing if for all .
- strictly monotone decreasing if for all .
- monotone if it is either monotone increasing or monotone decreasing.
- is strictly monotone decreasing.
- is neither monotone increasing nor monotone decreasing.
Theorem 3.14
Suppose is monotonic. Then converges is bounded.
If is monotonic and bounded, then by previous result, converges.
If is monotonic and converges, then by Theorem 3.2(c), is bounded.
Upper and lower limits
Definition 3.15 (Divergence to or )
Let be a sequence of real numbers with the following properties:
For every real number there is an integer such that implies . We then write
For every real number there is an integer such that implies . We then write .
for every real number, we can find a element in the sequence that is greater than or less than it
Definition 3.16
Let be a sequence of real numbers.
Let .
Let , .
We define and
Informally, is the largest possible value that a subsequence of can converge to.
, , , . and does not exist.
One advantage of and is that they always exist (they may be or ), even if the sequence does not converge.