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Cse347 L7

Lecture 7

Known NP-Complete Problems

  • SAT and 3-SAT
  • Vertex Cover
  • Independent Set

How to show a problem LL is NP-Complete

  • Show LL \in NP
    • Give a polynomial time certificate
    • Give a polynomial time verifier
  • Show LL is NP-Hard: for some known NP-Complete problem KK, show KpLK \leq_p L
    • Construct a mapping ϕ\phi from instance in KK to instance in LL, given an instance kKk\in K, ϕ(k)L\phi(k)\in L.
    • Show that you can compute ϕ(k)\phi(k) in polynomial time.
    • Show that kKk \in K is true if and only if ϕ(k)L\phi(k) \in L is true.

Example 1: Subset Sum

Input: A set SS of integers and a target positive integer tt.

Problem: Determine if there exists a subset SSS' \subseteq S such that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t.

We claim that Subset Sum is NP-Complete.

Step 1: Subset Sum \in NP

  • Certificate: SSS' \subseteq S
  • Verifier: Check that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t

Step 2: Subset Sum is NP-Hard

We claim that 3-SAT p\leq_p Subset Sum

Given any 33-CNF formula Ψ\Psi, we will construct an instance (S,t)(S, t) of Subset Sum such that Ψ\Psi is satisfiable if and only if there exists a subset SSS' \subseteq S such that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t.

How to construct Ψ\Psi?

Reduction construction:

Assumption: No clause contains both a literal and its negation.

3-SAT problem: Ψ\Psi has nn variables and mm clauses.

Need to: construct SS of positive numbers and a target tt

Idea of construction:

For 3-SAT instance Ψ\Psi:

  • At least one literal in each clause is true
  • A variable and its negation cannot both be true

SS contains integers with n+mn+m digits (base 10)

p1p2pnq1q2qmp_1p_2\cdots p_n q_1 q_2 \cdots q_m

where pip_i are representations of variables that are either 00 or 11 and qjq_j are representations of clauses.

For each variable xix_i, we will have two integers in SS, called viv_i and vi\overline{v_i}.

  • For each variable xix_i, both viv_i and vi\overline{v_i} have digits pi=1p_i=1. all other pp positions are zero

  • Each digit qjq_j in viv_i is 11 if xix_i appears in clause jj; otherwise qj=0q_j=0

For example:

Ψ=(x1¬x2x3)(¬x1x2x3)\Psi=(x_1\lor \neg x_2 \lor x_3) \land (\neg x_1 \lor x_2 \lor x_3)


Let's try to prove correctness of the reduction.

Direction 1: Say subset sum has a solution SS'.

We must prove that there is a satisfying assignment for Ψ\Psi.

Set xi=1x_i=1 if viSv_i\in S'

Set xi=0x_i=0 if viS\overline{v_i}\in S'

  1. We want set xix_i to be both true and false, we will pick (in SS') either viv_i or vi\overline{v_i}
  2. For each clause we have at least one literal that is true since qjq_j has a 11 in the clause.

Direction 2: Say Ψ\Psi has a satisfying assignment.

We must prove that there is a subset SS' such that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t.

If xi=1x_i=1, then viSv_i\in S'

If xi=0x_i=0, then viS\overline{v_i}\in S'

Problem: 1,2 or 3 literals in every clause can be true.


Add 2 numbers to SS for each clause jj. We add yj,zjy_j,z_j.

  • All pp digits are zero
  • qjq_j of yjy_j is 11, qjq_j of zjz_j is 22, for all jj, other digits are zero.
  • Intuitively, these numbers account for the number of literals in clause jj that are true.

New target are as follows:


Time Complexity of construction for Subset Sum

  • O(n+m)O(n+m)
  • nn is the number of variables
  • mm is the number of clauses

How many integers are in SS?

  • 2n2n for variables
  • 2m2m for new numbers
  • Total: 2n+2m2n+2m integers

How many digits are in each integer?

  • n+mn+m digits
  • Time complexity: O((n+m)2)O((n+m)^2)

Proof of reduction for Subset Sum

Claim 1: If Subset Sum has a solution, then Ψ\Psi is satisfiable.


Say SS' is a solution to Subset Sum. Then there exists a subset SSS' \subseteq S such that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t. Here is an assignment of truth values to variables in Ψ\Psi that satisfies Ψ\Psi:

  • Set xi=1x_i=1 if viSv_i\in S'
  • Set xi=0x_i=0 if viS\overline{v_i}\in S'

This is a valid assignment since:

  • We pick either viv_i or vi\overline{v_i}
  • For each clause, at least one literal is true


Claim 2: If Ψ\Psi is satisfiable, then Subset Sum has a solution.


If AA is a satisfiable assignment for Ψ\Psi, then we can construct a subset SS' of SS such that aiSai=t\sum_{a_i\in S'} a_i = t.

If xi=1x_i=1, then viSv_i\in S'

If xi=0x_i=0, then viS\overline{v_i}\in S'

Say t=t=\sum elements we picked from SS.

  • All pip_i in tt are 11
  • All qjq_j in tt are either 11 or 22 or 33.
    • If qj=1q_j=1, then yj,zjSy_j,z_j\in S'
    • If qj=2q_j=2, then zjSz_j\in S'
    • If qj=3q_j=3, then yjSy_j\in S'


Example 2: 3 Color

Input: Graph GG

Problem: Determine if GG is 3-colorable.

We claim that 3-Color is NP-Complete.

Proof of NP for 3-Color


Proof of NP-Hard for 3-Color

We claim that 3-SAT p\leq_p 3-Color

Given a 3-CNF formula Ψ\Psi, we will construct a graph GG such that Ψ\Psi is satisfiable if and only if GG is 3-colorable.


  1. Construct a core triangle (3 vertices for 3 colors)
  2. 2 vertices for each variable xi:vi,vix_i:v_i,\overline{v_i}
  3. Clause widget

Clause widget:

  • 3 vertices for each clause Cj:yj,zj,tjC_j:y_j,z_j,t_j (clause widget)
  • 3 edges extended from clause widget
  • variable vertex connected to extended edges

Key for dangler design:

Connect to all viv_i with true to the same color. and connect to all viv_i with false to

// TODO: fix the picture put picture in public folder

Proof of reduction for 3-Color

Direction 1: If Ψ\Psi is satisfiable, then GG is 3-colorable.


Say Ψ\Psi is satisfiable. Then viv_i and vi\overline{v_i} are in different colors.

For the color in central triangle, we can pick any color.

For each dangler color is connected to blue, all literals cannot be blue.



Direction 2: If GG is 3-colorable, then Ψ\Psi is satisfiable.



Example 3:Hamiltonian cycle problem (HAMCYCLE)

Input: G(V,E)G(V,E)

Output: Does GG have a Hamiltonian cycle? (A cycle that visits each vertex exactly once.)

Proof is too hard.

but it is an existing NP-complete problem.

On lecture

Example 4: Scheduling problem (SCHED)

scheduling with release time, deadline and execution times.

Given nn jobs, where job ii has release time rir_i, deadline did_i, and execution time tit_i.


S={2,3,7,5,4}S=\{2,3,7,5,4\}. we created 5 jobs release time is 0, deadline is 26, execution time is 11.

Problem: Can you schedule these jobs so that each job starts after its release time and finishes before its deadline, and executed for tit_i time units?

Proof of NP-completeness

Step 1: Show that the problem is in NP.

Certificate: (hi,ji),(h2,j2),,(hn,jn)\langle (h_i,j_i),(h_2,j_2),\cdots,(h_n,j_n)\rangle, where hih_i is the start time of job ii and jij_i is the machine that job ii is assigned to.

Verifier: Check that hi+tidih_i + t_i \leq d_i for all ii.

Step 2: Show that the problem is NP-hard.

We proceed by proving that SSSpSSS\leq_p Scheduling.

Consider an instance of SSS: {a1,a2,,an}\{ a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n\} and sum bb. We can create a scheduling instance with release time 0, deadline bb, and execution time 11.

Then we prove that the scheduling instance is a "yes" instance if and only if the SSS instance is a "yes" instance.

Idea of proof:

If there is a subset of {a1,a2,,an}\{a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n\} that sums to bb, then we can schedule the jobs in that order on one machine.

If there is a schedule where all jobs are finished by time bb, then the sum of the scheduled jobs is exactly bb.

Example 5: Component grouping problem (CG)

Given an undirected graph which is not necessarily connected. (A component is a subgraph that is connected.)

Problem: Component Grouping: Give a graph GG that is not connected, and a positive integer kk, is there a subset of its components that sums up to kk?

Denoted as CG(G,k)CG(G,k).

Proof of NP-completeness for Component Grouping

Step 1: Show that the problem is in NP.

Certificate: S\langle S\rangle, where SS is the subset of components that sums up to kk.

Verifier: Check that the sum of the sizes of the components in SS is kk. This can be done in polynomial time using breadth-first search.

Step 2: Show that the problem is NP-hard.

We proceed by proving that SSSpCGSSS\leq_p CG. (Subset Sum p\leq_p Component Grouping)

Consider an instance of SSS: a1,a2,,an,b\langle a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n,b\rangle.

We construct an instance of CG as follows:

For each aiSa_i\in S, we create a chain of aia_i vertices.

WARNING: this is not a valid proof for NP hardness since the reduction is not polynomial for nn, where nn is the number of vertices in the SSS instance.