Lecture 11
Exam info posted tonight.
Idea: Efficiently produce many bits
which "appear" truly random.
One-time pad
Advantage: Perfectly secret
Disadvantage: Impractical
The goal of pseudo-randomness is to make the algorithm, computationally secure, and practical.
Let be a sequence of distributions over , where is a polynomial of .
"Probability ensemble"
Let be the uniform distribution over
For all
For ,
For (by independence of different bits.)
Let and be probability ensembles (separate of dist over )
and are computationally in-distinguishable if for all non-uniform p.p.t adversary ("distinguishers")
this basically means that the probability of finding any pattern in the two array is negligible.
If there is a such that
then is distinguishing with probability
If , then is distinguishing the two
Prediction lemma
and ensembles over
Suppose distinguisher which distinguish by . Then adversary such that
Without loss of generality, suppose
(Outputs 1 if and only if outputs 1, otherwise 0.)
over is pseudorandom if . i.e. indistinguishable from the true randomness.
Building distinguishers
- : always outputs , : [outputs is ]
- : 1st bits are truly random nth bit is with probability 0.50001 and with 0.49999, : [outputs if ]
- : For each bit unless there have been 1 million 's. in a row. Then outputs , : [outputs if ]