Lecture 16
Continue on PRG
PRG exists Pseudorandom function family exists.
Multi-message secure encryption
Output from PRF family
Random Ouput
Proof of security:
Suppose distinguishes, for infinitly many .
The encryption of pair of lists
(3) One-time pad
(4) One-time pad
If (1) (2) distinguished,
is distinguished from
So distinguishing output of of PRF from the RF, this contradicts with definition of PRF.
Noe we have
(RSA assumption and Discrete log assumption for one-way function exists.)
One-way function exists
Pseudo random generator exists
Pseudo random function familiy exists
Mult-message secure encryption exists.
Public key cryptography
The goal was to agree/share a key without meeting in advance
Diffie-Helmann Key exchange
A and B create a secret key together without meeting.
Rely on discrete log assumption.
They pulicly agree on modulus and generator .
Alice picks random exponent and computes
Bob picks random exponent and computes
and they send result to each other.
And Alice do where Bob do .
Diffie-Helmann assumption
With no one can compute .
Public key encryption scheme
Idea: The recipient Bob distributes opened Bob-locks
- Once closed, only Bob can open it.
Public-key encryption scheme:
- Outputs
- Efficient for all
- Efficient for all
Let knows not and knows .
Adversary can now encypt any message with the public key.
- Perfect secrecy impossible
- Randomness necessary
Security of public key
such that
are distinguished by at most
This "single" message security implies multi-message security!
Left as exercise
We will achieve security in sending a single bit
Time for trapdoor permutation. (EX. RSA)
Encryption Scheme: Given family of trapdoor permutation with hardcore bit
, where uses trapdoor permutation of
or .