Lecture 4
Negligible function if such that ,
Strong One-Way Function
- a P.P.T. that computes
- adversaries, .
That is, the probability of success guessing should decreasing as encrypted message increase...
To negate statement 2:
is a negligible function.
, is not a negligible function.
That is,
for infinitely many . or infinitely often.
Keep in mind: , it can try times and have a good chance of succeeding at least once.
New materials
Week One-Way Function
- a P.P.T. that computes
- adversaries, . The probability of success should not be too close to 1
Useful bound
(most useful when is small)
For an experiment has probability of failure and of success.
We run experiment times independently.
success all n times
Theorem: If there exists a weak one-way function, there there exists a strong one-way function
In particular, if is weak one-way function.
polynomial such that
and for every bits
is a strong one-way function.
Since that computes we use this polynomial times to compute .
(Idea) has to succeed in inverting all times. Since is a weak one-way, polynomial . inverts (Here we use since we can always find a polynomial that works)
Let .
Then inverting inverts all times. which is negligible function.
we can always force the adversary to invert the weak one-way function for polynomial time to reach the property of strong one-way function
Some candidates of one-way function
But we don't want trivial answers like (1,1000000007)
Idea: Our "secret" is 373 and 481, Eve cna see the product 179413.
Not strong one-way for all integer inputs because there are trivial answer for of all outputs. Mult(2,y/2)
Factoring Assumption:
The only way to efficiently factorizing the product of prime is to iterate all the primes.
In other words:
such that .
We'll show this is a weak one-way function under the Factoring Assumption.
such that ,
where all primes