Lecture 17
Strength through Truth
Public key encryption scheme (1-bit)
is the trapdoor permutation. (eg. RSA)
, where is the public key and is the secret key.
where is denoted as and is the tag .
The decryption function is:
Validity of the decryption
Proof of the validity of the decryption: Exercise.
Security of the encryption scheme
The encryption scheme is secure under this construction (Trapdoor permutation (TDP), Hardcore bit (HCB)).
We proceed by contradiction. (Constructing contradiction with definition of hardcore bit.)
Assume that there exists a distinguisher that can distinguish the encryption of and with non-negligible probability .
By prediction lemma (the distinguisher can be used to create and adversary that can break the security of the encryption scheme with non-negligible probability ).
We will use this to construct an agent which can determine the hardcore bit of the trapdoor permutation with non-negligible probability.
are determined.
is given and and outputs .
- is chosen uniformly at random.
- is given to .
- is given to .
- Choose uniformly at random.
- Then use with to determine whether is or .
- Let .
- Since , we have , .
- Output .
The probability that correctly guesses given is:
This contradicts the definition of hardcore bit.
Public key encryption scheme (multi-bit)
Let .
We can choose random , , .
Special public key cryptosystem: El-Gamal (based on Diffie-Hellman Assumption)
Definition: Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption (DDH)
Define the group of squares mod as follows:
, , ,
These two listed below are indistinguishable.
Diffie-Hellman Assumption:
Hard to compute given .
So DDH assumption implies discrete logarithm assumption.
If one can find from , then one can find from and compare to to check whether is a valid DDH tuple.
El-Gamal encryption scheme (public key cryptosystem)
(public key)
(secret key)
Message space:
Since , we have
Security of El-Gamal encryption scheme
If not secure, then there exists a distinguisher that can distinguish the encryption of with non-negligible probability .
And proceed by contradiction. This contradicts the DDH assumption.