Class 1
Traveling salesperson (classic~)
Halting problem~
What is algorithm?
An "effective procedure"
- Implementable on a "computer". (eg. Halting problem)
for taking any instance of a computational problem
- Cannot just work for some instances.
and finding a correct solution.
- For now - always exactly correct.
Algorithms for Sorting
enumerate all permutations of input array and find the one that's sorted.
Selection sort
Insertion sort
What makes Algorithm good
eg. selection sort
Selection sort correctly sorts lists of one element.
(Base case)
Given an input list of n element...
Algorithm removes smallest elt, puts it at start of output.
Remaining input list is one element smaller.
Need to count simple, abstract operations.
Measurement: function of input size (n).
Principle: for each input size, measure the worst-case running time over all inputs.
eg. selection sort
where n^2 is dominant