Class 9
Lab 9 out this week!!!
Exam 2 next week 11/16 6:30-8:30
How to Balance a tree
Worst cost preview
Bridge From Previous Lecture
AVL Tree - Heights of left, right subtrees of every node differ in height by at most 1
Balance factor
height of left subtree - height of right subtree (empty node has height -1)
every node of an AVL tree has a balance factor of either -1, 0, +1
Insertion node into an AVL tree can make the root's balance +2 or -2.
Resulting tree may no longer be AVL tree
Restore balance
Rotate tree
Rotate right at parent x, putting left child of x as parent.
/ \ / \
Y T3 <=> T1 X
/\ /\
T1 T2 T2 T3
rotate_right(node x) -> node:
node y=x.left
return y
rotate_left(node y) ->node:
node x=y.right
return x
public class Node{
private Node left;
private Node right;
private Object value;
public void rotateRight(Node x){
Node y=x.left;
//Node T1=y.left;
Node T2=y.right;
//Node T3=x.right;
public void rotateLeft(Node y){
Node x=y.right;
x.left= y;
Types of unbalance
left left higher - rotate right on root
left right higher - rotate left on root left (back to case left left higher) - rotate right on root
right left higher - rotate right on root right (back to case right right higher) - rotate left on root
right right higher - rotate left on root
When rebalance
only rebalance once
check up to the root
Alternative Non Binary Tree
B tree
height of root to leaf is constant.
2,3,4 tree
h 2^(h+1)-1 keys
when insert
promote first, then split
can be map to binary tree
Red and Black tree
x -> x
xy -> y
xyz -> y
/ \
x z
lose balanced with factor two, better performance for more insertion and deletion.
AVL would be better when searching intensive.