Class 8
BSTs and AVL Trees
Motivation - Limitations of Dictionaries
- Worst-case operation performance is \Theta (n).
- Do not adequately represent naturally ordered collections.
Ordered Dynamic Set Operations
(Java: SortedSet)
Dynamic - means that a query of the set must return the correct answer at any point during a sequence of insertions and deletions.
Sorted Array / Sorted List (cannot insert in less than n)
Sub-linear time insert/remove/find
Binary Tree...
- can do operations in time proportional to height of tree.
- not sub-linear size always...
Binary Search Tree
- Every node x contains a key value x.key
- Every node satisfies the following invariant ("BST property"):
- For every node y in x's left subtree, y.key <= x.key
- For every node z in x's right subtree, x.key <= z.key
- (If each key in BST is unique, these inequalities are strict <)
min on the left most,
max on the right most.
create node and put it in correct level. (any level)
succ(x)=right most element (if null, return the parent) in x's parent
swap delete item with it's successor,or predecessor, then remove.
All operation of the tree is related to height of tree.
Balanced tree..
AVL Adelson-Velsky and Landis.
differ height at most 1.