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Class 10

Class 10

Rubber duck debugging~

Graph and their traversals.

Definition and representations

collections describe groups' relationships

A set V of nodes or vertices, together with a set E of edges.

Self edge is not allowed in this lecture.

Directions in Graph

Directed and undirected

Max number of edges: O(n^2)

Directed: n(n-1)

Undirected: n(n-1)/2

If the graph has \Theta(n^2) edges, it is dense.

  • Complete graph
  • Complete bipartite graph (can be separate to 2 parts with every node in one part don't have connection with each other.)

If the graph has O(n) edges, it is sparse.

  • Ladder
  • Tree

Representation of graph

Adjacency matrix

undirected graph have adjacency matrix symmetry to diagonal line.

use for Dense Graph

Adjacency list

Array [1..n] - A [i] contains list of edges (i,j)

use for Sparse Graph

For graph G(V,E)Adjacency MatrixAdjacency List
Time check edge exist1O(|V|)
Time to scan all the edges\Theta(|V|^2)\Theta(|E|)

ps. |V| means size of V, just like vector.


Remember to mark searched nodes to avoid repeated search.


Queue! to store order of permutation.

public void BFS(AdjacencyList map,Node root){
	Queue<Node>order=new Queue<Node>();
    Set<Node>marked=new HashSet<Node>();
    int depth=0;
    while (!order.isEmpty()){
        int levelSize=order.size();
        for(int i=0;i<levelSize;i++){
            for(Node j:map.get(order.peek())){

Proof for BFS:

Claim: BFS enqueues every vertex w with D(v,w) = d before any vertex x with D(v,x) > d.

Base (d=0): v itself is enqueues first and has D(v,v) = 0.

Hence, by First In First Out property of Queue, u is dequeued before any vertex with distance >= d.

When u is dequeued, w is enqueued (if not yet seen)

Any vertex with distance > d must be discovered (and thus enqueued) via edge from a vertex at distance < d.

Corollary: BFS assigns every vertex its correct shortest path distance from v.

Unreachable with \inf value.

Cost of BFS

Mark, enqueue, dequeue O(1), \Theta(|V|) total.

Enumerate its adjacent edges (\Theta(|E|) over all vertices).

Total cost is \Theta(|V|+|E|)


Bipartite testing

Level of social network


Stack! to store the parent nodes. (or recursive operations...)

public void DFS(AdjacentList map,Node root){
	Stack<Node>order=new Stack<Node>();
    Set<Node>marked=new HashSet<Node>();

Proof for cycle detection for DFS:

Claim: G contains .......

If a directed graph does not contain a cycle, we can assign an order to its vertices.

Defn: if u != v, u<v if there exists a path in G from u to v.

This rule yield a partial order on G.

Cost of BFS

Mark, enqueue, dequeue O(1), \Theta(|V|) total.

Enumerate its adjacent edges (\Theta(|E|) over all vertices).

Total cost is \Theta(|V|+|E|)


Detect cycle

Topological sort