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Class 12

Class 12

Next Wednesday, Exam3! Online

Course evaluation next Wednesday

Studio as usual.

Greedy algorithm and Minimum spanning tree

Abstract graph problem (network design problem)

Minimize cost of building transmission lines

Desired set of edges is a tree (no cycles)

Clustering data points by proximity.

Approximate solution for salesperson problem. (approximation algorithm)

General approach

  • Start with empty edge set T
  • Keep adding edges to T
  • Till all the points is connected

Greedy Principle

Always pick the best edge under current circumstances.

Prim’s Algorithm

Similar to Dijkstra’s Algorithm

pick the edge of minimum weight that will connect a vertex in T and another vertex that is not in T.

Prof of correctness:

Claim: After any number of edges are chosen, algorithm’s current edge set T is a subset of some minimum spanning tree for G.

(Hence, once T spans all of G, T is itself an MST for G.)

Pf: by induction on # of edges chosen so far.

Base: before any edges are chosen, T is empty, so is a subset of every MST for G.

Ind: Suppose Prim’s criterion picks a next edge e.

Let C and N be the connected and unconnected vertices of G after picking edge set T.

By IH, T is a subset of some MST T* for G.

Some edge e’ of T* connects C and N, as does edge e.

If e != e’, the T* U{e} (spanning tree + 1 edge) forms a cycle in G.

Hence T’ = T* U {e} -{e’} is another spanning tree for G.

Prim’s criterion picked e instead of e’, so w(e) <= w(e’).

Conclude that W(T’) = W(T*) – w(e’) + w(e) ≤ W(T*), and so T’ is a minimum spanning tree that contains T U {e}, as claimed. QED

Implement Prim’s algorithm

starting vertex gets v.conn = 0, all other u get u.conn = ∞
mark all vertices as unconnected
while (any vertex unconnected)
    v <- unconnected vertex with smallest v.conn
    for each edge (v, u)
        if (w(v, u) < u.conn)
            u.conn = w(v, u)
    mark v connected // augment partial MST with edge from T to v

Algorithm runs in time Θ((|V| + |E|) log |V|) using a binary heap

Kruskal’s algorithm

Union find data structure

Kruskal’s criterion: add to T the edge e of minimum w(e) that does not form a cycle when combined with edges already in T.

Heap, or pre sorted list (no update needed)

Connected components detection

Union-Find algorithm

Running time of Kruskal's Algorithm

  • Stages: sort edges, run main loop
  • Main loop: add next-smallest edge provided it does not create cycle
    • Equivalently: add next-smallest edge provided its endpoints aren't in same connected component, i.e. their components are disjoint
    • Need disjoint-component data structure
  • Union-Find: check disjointness in O(log |V|) time
  • Main loop running time: O(|E| log |V|) <-- we can cut off after we

add |V|-1 edges

Total cost: O(|E|log|E| + |E|log|V|) = O(|E|log |V|)

  • Last equality holds b/c E = O(|V|2) and log(|V|2) = 2 log |V|
  • Same as Prim's since |E| = Ω(|V|) or else MST wouldn't exist

Course wrap up