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Class 6

Class 6

Exam 1 Graded...

M6 Lab (practice on recurrence, sorting, searching.)

Lecture 6

How fast can we sort?


Sorting overview

Lower bound on running time of comparison-based sorting

Radix sort

Bound radix sorting

What do we know about soring?

Worst case n log n algorithm

  • HeapSort
    • Call extractMin() (log n) for n times.
  • MergeSort
    • Divide and conquer algorithm.

Other sorting

  • BubbleSort - n^2
  • InsertionSort - n^2
  • ShellSort - n^3/2 or n^2
  • QuickSort - n log n

Sound of sort

How fast can we sort?

what operations can be considered as constant time?

  • All the sorting algorithms we listed work on any Comparable data type.
  • Can answer "is x > y" in constant time.

pair wise comparison -> comparison sort

measure times of comparison.

for fastest algorithm O(n log n).

Is there a function f(n) where the fastest sorting algorithm have Omega(f(n))

A Trivial Lower Bound

at least n/2 comparison needs to be made. Omega(n/2) at least.

use tree to encode logic of comparison sequence.

Every decision tree corresponds to a sorting algorithm...

Running time of tree is path from root to leaf.

eg. for comparing 3 elements, height of tree=3.

suppose every decision tree has t(n) leaves, the tree have branching factor of w, then the problem requires at least log_w t(n) to solve.

Apply to comparison sorting:


t(n)=n! (reason: n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)* .... * 1)

depth of decision tree for comparison based sorting >= log_2 (n!)

log (n!)=Theta(n log n)


log (n!)=O(n log n)

log (n!)=Omega(n log n)

It is impossible to sort in comparison

Breaking the n log n barrier

Counting sort (given k)

  • Linear to n sorting algorithm.
  • Extend with integer keys

Radix sort (given k)

  • Divide each input integer into d digits
  • Digits may be in any base k
  • Sort using d successive passed of counting sort.
  • We sort by least significant digit first.
  • Sort in each pass mush be stable - never inverts order of two inputs with the same key.
  • total time = Theta(log_k n*(n+k))