Class 4
Analyzing complexity via recurrences
Exam 1: Wed 10/5 6:30-8:30pm
- In-person
Academic Integrity
Tool tip
Debugger for null pointer exception. don't try to access null pointers.
Recurrences: defining and solving T(n) for recursive procedures.
4 methods:
empirical analysis method
bubbleDown(tree rooted at v)
if (v is bigger than its smallest child c)
swap values of nodes v and c
bubbleDown(tree rooted at c)
T(n)=T(recursive part)+ non-recursive part
For bubbleDown method, T(n)=T(2n/3)+k
In heap, the node in child size is no worse than 2n/3 of the tree node count n.
= T(44)+2k
And, using some magic we have not yet studies but will.
empirical analysis is just plotting the graph and approximate the graph to function.
substitution method
For T(n)=T(n-1)+k
Claim: T(n)=nk;
Base (n=1): T(1)=k=1*k <- claim holds.
Inductive Hypothesis (IH): For n>1, assume T(m)=m*k for m<n.
- T(n)=T(n-1)+k //Given recurrence
- T(n)=(n-1)*k +k //Set m to n-1
- =nk
- =\Theta(n)
Example: Binary Search
Search for element in sorted array.
BinarySearch (startIndex, endIndex, array, target)
//base case
if startIndex>endIndex
return don't exist
if middle element is greater than target
BinarySearch(startIndex, mid, array, target)
BinarySearch(mid+1, endIndex, array, target)
Guess try #1
Claim: T(n)=c
Base case: T(1)=c
IH: T(n)= T(n/2)+c
2c!=c, proof failed.
Guess try #2
Claim: T(n)=nc
Base case: T(1)=c
IH: T(n)=T(n/2)+c
T(n)<=cn for all n.
Therefore, T(n)=O(n)
Guess try #3
Claim: T(n)=c log_2 n
Base case: T(1)=0
but we can start base case on 2 actually. (base case can be any constant...)
T(2)=c log_2 2=c
=c log_2(n/2)+c
=c(log_2 n -log_2 2)+c
=c log_2 n -c+c
=c log_2 n
T(n)=Theta(log_2 n)
Pros and Cons of Guess and Check
- For any* recurrence, given right guess, can prove that it is correct.
- Can use separate upper-, lower- bound proofs to prove Theta result
- you mush guess first.
Common case
recursion tree method
- Root contains the first problem with size of c
- Expand once to get second term
- Then repeat...
- Until you hit base case..
Depth | Problem size | Local work |
0 | n | c |
1 | n/2 | c |
2 | n/4 | c |
log_2 n | 1 | c |
- Root contains the first problem with size of c
- Expand once to get second term
- Then repeat...
- Until you hit base case..
Depth | Problem size | # Nodes per level | Local Work per Level | Local work per node |
0 | n | 1 | cn | cn |
1 | n/2 | 2 | cn | cn/2 |
2 | n/4 | 4 | cn | cn/4 |
log_2 n | 1 | 2^log_2 n=n | dn | d |
Overall equation for works done:
we have
Depth | Problem size | # Nodes per level | Local Work per Level | Local work per node |
0 | n | 1 | f(n) | f(n) |
1 | n/b | a | f(n/b)*a | f(n/b) |
2 | n/b^2 | a^2 | f(n/b^2)*a^2 | f(n/b^2) |
log_b n | 1 | a^log_b n | f(1)*a^log_b n | f(1) |
Thus, the work done for the algorithm should be