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Math4111 L10

Lecture 10


Recall: If KαAGαK\subset \cup_{\alpha\in A} G_{\alpha}, then we say {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A} is a cover of KK. If, in addition, each set GαG_{\alpha} is open, then we say {Gα}αA\{G_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in A} is an open cover of KK. If α1,...,αnA\alpha_1,...,\alpha_n\in A are such that Ki=1nGαiK\subset \bigcup _{i=1}^n G_{\alpha_i}, then we say {Gαi}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n is a finite subcover.

Let X=RX=\mathbb{R}. Come up with some examples of covers of R\mathbb{R}. Try to find a few satisfying each of the following:

  1. A cover of R\mathbb{R} which is not an open cover. {[x,x+1]:xZ}\{[x,x+1]:x\in \mathbb{Z}\}

  2. An open cover of R\mathbb{R} which does have a finite subcover. {R}\{\mathbb{R}\} is an open cover with finite subcover, itself {R}\{\mathbb{R}\}. AND, {Q,R\Q}\{\mathbb{Q},\mathbb{R}\backslash\mathbb{Q}\} is not a subcover of {R}\{\mathbb{R}\} since we need to select subcover from cover set. And not taking the element of sets in the open cover.

  3. An open cover of R\mathbb{R} which does not have a finite subcover. {(x,x+2):xZ}\{(x,x+2):x\in \mathbb{Z}\} No finite subcover, infinitely many sets.

    Proof: we proceed by contradiction, suppose we take {(ni,ni+2):i=1,...,k}\{(n_i,n_i+2):i=1,...,k\}. The union does not contain max{n1,...,nk}+2max\{n_1,...,n_k\}+2

    {{xR:x<n}:nZ}\{\{x\in\mathbb{R}:x<n\}:n\in \mathbb{Z}\}

    And some stupid set we have is {{xR:x<n}:nZ}{R}\{\{x\in\mathbb{R}:x<n\}:n\in \mathbb{Z}\}\cup \{\mathbb{R}\} with finite subcover {R}\{\mathbb{R}\}


Compact set

KK is compact if \forall open cover, {Gαi}i=1n\exists \{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n that is a finite subcover.

R\mathbb{R} is not compact since we can build a open cover {(x,x+2):xZ}\{(x,x+2):x\in \mathbb{Z}\} such that we cannot find a finite subcover of R\mathbb{R}

{1,2}\{1,2\} is compact let {G_{\alpha}}_{\alpha\in A}beanopencoverofbe an open cover of{1,2}$

Ironically, [0,1][0,1] is compact. This will follow from Theorem 2.40.

Theorem 2.33

Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space, and KYXK\subset Y \subset X. Then KK is compact relative to XX (KK is open in XX )     K\iff K is compact relative to YY. This implies that compactness is an absolute property


    \implies Suppose KK is compact relative to XX.

Let {Vα}αA\{V_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in A} be an open cover of KK relative to YY.

By Theorem 2.30, for each α\alpha, Gα\exist G_{\alpha} open in XX such that Vα=GαYV_{\alpha}=G_{\alpha}\cap Y. Then {Gα}α\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha} is an open cover of KK relative to XX. Since KK is compact relative to XX, {Gα}α\{G_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha} has a finite subcover {Gαi}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n. Then {Vαi}i=1n\{V_{\alpha_i}\}^n_{i=1} is a finite subcover of {Vα}α\{V_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha} of KK

    \impliedby Suppose KK is compact relative to YY. Let {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A} be an open cover of KK relative to XX. By Theorem 2.30, {GαY}α\{G_\alpha\cap Y\}_\alpha is an open cover of KK relative to XX

Since kk is compact relative to YY, {GαY}α\{G_\alpha\cap Y\}_\alpha has a finite subcover {GαiY}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\cap Y\}_{i=1}^n. Then {Gαi}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n is a finite subcover of {Gα}α\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha} of KK.


Theorem 2.24

Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space, KXK\subset X is compact     K\implies K is closed in XX.


Suppose KK is compact. We'll show that KcK^c is open, i.e pKc\forall p\in K^c, r>0\exists r>0 such that Br(p)<KcB_r(p)<K^c. Let pKcp\in K^c (pp is fixed for the remainder of the qq)

For each qKq\in K, Let Vq=B12d(p,q)(p),Wq=B12d(p,q)(q)V_q=B_{\frac{1}{2}d(p,q)}(p),W_q=B_{\frac{1}{2}d(p,q)}(q) By triangle inequality, VqWq=ϕV_q\cap W_q=\phi

Since KqKWqK\subset \bigcup_{q\in K}W_q and qK,VqWq=ϕ\forall q\in K, V_q\cap W_q=\phi. By set theory, (qKVq)K=ϕ\left(\bigcap_{q\in K}V_q\right)\cap K=\phi, and (qKVq)Kc\left(\bigcap_{q\in K}V_q\right)\subset K^c

Since {Wq}qK\{W_q\}_{q\in K} is an open cover of KK, so it has a finite cover {Wqi}i=1n\{W_{q_i}\}_{i=1}^n. So (qKVq)=(i=1nVqi)Kc\left(\bigcap_{q\in K}V_q\right)=\left(\bigcap_{i=1}^n V_{q_i}\right)\subset K^c.

Then let r=min{12d(pi,qi)}r=min\{\frac{1}{2}d(p_i,q_i)\}, i=1nVqi=Br(p)\bigcap_{i=1}^n V_{q_i}=B_r(p)