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Math4111 L16

Lecture 16


Let (sn)(s_n) be a sequence in R\mathbb{R} satisfying the following properties:

  1. It is bounded (M>0\exists M>0 such that nN,snM\forall n\in \mathbb{N}, |s_n|\leq M)
  2. It is monotonic increasing (nN,snsn+1\forall n\in \mathbb{N}, s_n\leq s_{n+1})

Let E={sn:nN}E=\{s_n:n\in \mathbb{N}\} and t=supEt=sup E. Prove that snts_n\to t. [Hint: The proof begins with "Let ϵ>0\epsilon>0 be arbitrary." What do we know about tϵt-\epsilon?]


Let ϵ>0\epsilon>0 be arbitrary. Then since tϵt-\epsilon is not an upper bound of EE, N\exists N such that tϵ<sNt-\epsilon<s_N.

Let nNn\geq N. Since (sn)(s_n) is monotonic increasing, snsN>tϵs_n\geq s_N>t-\epsilon. Since tt is an upper bound of EE, sn<ts_n<t. Therefore, snt<ϵ|s_n-t|<\epsilon.

So (sn)(s_n) converges to tt.


New materials


Theorem 3.7

Let XX be a metric space. If (pn)(p_n) is a sequence in XX. E={pX: subsequence (pni) such that pnip}E^*=\{p\in X:\exists \textup{ subsequence } (p_{n_i}) \textup{ such that } p_{n_i}\to p\}. Then EE^* is closed.


Let q(E)q\in (E^*)'. We will show that qEq\in E^*.

Step 1: Since q(E)q\in (E^*)', x1B1(q)E\exists x_1\in B_1(q)\cap E^*.

Since x1Ex_1\in E^*, n1N\exists n_1\in \mathbb{N} such that pn1B1(x1)p_{n_1}\in B_1(x_1).

By triangle inequality, d(pn1,q)d(pn1,x1)+d(x1,q)<1+1=2d(p_{n_1},q)\leq d(p_{n_1},x_1)+d(x_1,q)<1+1=2.

Step 2: Since q(E)q\in (E^*)', x2B1/2(q)E\exists x_2\in B_{1/2}(q)\cap E^* and n2>n1n_2>n_1 (by definition of EE^*. If x2Ex_2\in E^*, then there are infinitely many pNp\in \mathbb{N} such that pnB1/2(x2)p_n\in B_{1/2}(x_2)).

Since x2Ex_2\in E^*, n2N\exists n_2\in \mathbb{N} such that pn2B1/2(x2)p_{n_2}\in B_{1/2}(x_2).

By triangle inequality, d(pn2,q)d(pn2,x2)+d(x2,q)<12+12=1d(p_{n_2},q)\leq d(p_{n_2},x_2)+d(x_2,q)<\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}=1.

Step 3: By induction, we can get a sequence n1,n2,n_1,n_2,\cdots such that iN,d(pni,q)<2i\forall i\in \mathbb{N}, d(p_{n_i},q)<\frac{2}{i}.

Then (pni)(p_{n_i}) is a subsequence of (pn)(p_n) and pniqp_{n_i}\to q.


Cauchy Sequences

Definition 3.8

A sequence (pn)(p_n) in a metric space XX is called a Cauchy sequence if for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists NNN\in \mathbb{N} such that m,nN\forall m,n\geq N, d(pm,pn)<ϵd(p_m,p_n)<\epsilon.

The terms are getting closer to each other.


X=QX=\mathbb{Q} with the usual metric. Let (pn)(p_n) be a sequence


If mnm\leq n, pmpn<110m|p_m-p_n|<\frac{1}{10^{m}}.

Then (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence. Let ϵ>0\epsilon>0 be arbitrary. Choose NN such that 110N>ϵ\frac{1}{10^{N}}>\epsilon. Then if m,nNm,n\geq N, then pmpn110m<ϵ|p_m-p_n|\leq \frac{1}{10^{m}}<\epsilon.

This sequence does not converge in Q\mathbb{Q}.

X=RX=\mathbb{R} with the usual metric. Let (pn)(p_n) be a sequence


This sequence is not bounded above. (by Theorem 3.28), so (as we will prove) it is not a Cauchy sequence.

The fact that pn+1pn=1n+10p_{n+1}-p_n=\frac{1}{n+1}\to 0 is not relevant to determining whether (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence.

Theorem 3.11 (a)

(pn)(p_n) converges     \implies (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence.


Since (pn)(p_n) converges, pX\exists p\in X such that pnpp_n\to p. Let ϵ>0\epsilon>0 be arbitrary. Then NN\exists N\in \mathbb{N} such that nN\forall n\geq N, d(pn,p)<ϵd(p_n,p)<\epsilon.

If m,nNm,n\geq N, then d(pm,pn)d(pm,p)+d(p,pn)<ϵ+ϵ=2ϵd(p_m,p_n)\leq d(p_m,p)+d(p,p_n)<\epsilon+\epsilon=2\epsilon.

You can also use ϵ2\frac{\epsilon}{2} instead of ϵ\epsilon in the above proof, just for fun.


Lemma 3.11 (b)

If (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence, then (pn)(p_n) is bounded above.


Since (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence, NN\exists N\in \mathbb{N} such that m,nN\forall m,n\geq N, d(pm,pn)<1d(p_m,p_n)<1.

Let r=max{d(pi,pj);1i,jN}+1r=max\{d(p_i,p_j);1\leq i,j\leq N\}+1.

Then nN\forall n\in \mathbb{N}, pnBr(pN)p_n\in B_r(p_N).


Note: This proof is nearly identical to the proof of convergent sequences implies bounded.

Definition 3.9

Let EE be a nonempty subset of a metric space XX, and let SS be the set of all real numbers of the form d(p,q)d(p,q) for p,qEp,q\in E. The diameter of EE, denoted by diamEdiam E, is defined to be the supremum of SS.


Prove that (pn)(p_n) is a Cauchy sequence if and only if limNdiam{(pn):nN}=0\lim_{N\to \infty}diam\{(p_n):n\geq N\}=0.

Theorem 3.10

(a) diamE=diam(E)diam E=diam(\overline{E})
(b) If KnK_n is a sequence of nonempty compact sets and K1K2K_1\supset K_2\supset \cdots, then n=1Kn\bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}K_n has exactly one point.


(a) The idea is still, triangle inequality.

Since EEE\subset \overline{E}, diamEdiam(E)diam E\leq diam(\overline{E}).

Now we want to show that diam(E)diamEdiam(\overline{E})\leq diam E.

Claim: ϵ>0\forall \epsilon>0, 2ϵ+diamE2\epsilon+diam E is an upper bound of {d(p,q):p,qE}\{d(p,q):p,q\in \overline{E}\}.

Let p,qEp,q\in \overline{E}.

Since pEp\in \overline{E}, pEBϵ(p)\exists p'\in E\cap B_\epsilon(p).

Since qEq\in \overline{E}, qEBϵ(q)\exists q'\in E\cap B_\epsilon(q).

Then d(p,q)d(p,p)+d(p,q)+d(q,q)<ϵ+diamE+ϵ=diamE+2ϵd(p,q)\leq d(p,p')+d(p',q')+d(q',q)<\epsilon+diam E+\epsilon=diam E+2\epsilon.

This proves the claim.

By definition of supremum, the claim implies that ϵ>0\forall \epsilon>0, diam(E)2ϵ+diamEdiam(\overline{E})\leq 2\epsilon+diam E. So diam(E)diamEdiam(\overline{E})\leq diam E.

(b) By Theorem 2.36, n=1Kn\bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}K_n\neq \emptyset. Suppose for contradiction that there are at least two distinct points p,qn=1Knp,q\in \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}K_n. Then for all nNn\in \mathbb{N}, x,yKnx,y\in K_n so diamKnd(p,q)>0diam K_n\geq d(p,q)>0. Then diameter of KnK_n does not converge to 0.