Lecture 7
How can we describe the set geometrically in three-dimensional space?
Just a line
Show that and are in one-to-one correspondence.
We can find a bijective function
Show that for any , the set is in one-to-one correspondence with
Use Theorem 2.13 is countable, , is countable.
New materials
Metric spaces
Definition 2.15
Let be a set. A function is called a distance function or a metric if it satisfies:
- Positivity: , and .
- Symmetry: .
- Triangle inequality: ,
We say is a metric space. If is understood, is a metric space.
The most important example:
And other examples: function spaces...
An example from graph theory (not needed for this class):
can be defined by the shortest path fro to .
Definition 2.17
By the segment we mean the set of all real numbers such that .
segment excludes the bound
By the interval we mean the set of all real numbers such that
- interval include the bound*
Convex: is convex if
Open sets
Definition 2.18
Let be a metric space.
- . The r-neighborhood of is (a ball in metric space)
- , . We say is an interior point of if such that . Notation set of interior points of
- , we say is open if , i.e. such that .
Note: is follows from definitions that is always true.
( be the euclidean distance) .
So is a open set.
Theorem 2.19
Let be a metric space, , is an open set.
every ball is an open set
Proof: Let .
Let .
Since . We claim that . Then , so . (using triangle inequality) So .
Closed sets
. We say is a limit point of if .
Let be the set of limit points of .
is closed if
Example: , .
is a limit point.
is the only limit point.