Lecture 12
Review Questions
For a metric space , we say a subset si bounded if there exists and such that .
Consider the following statement: If a set is compact, the its is bounded.
- Will the proof of this statement involve an arbitrary open cover (one that you, the prover, do not get to choose) or a specific open cover (one that you can choose)? We should choose a specific cover so that we can construct cover that have a set that is a superset of .
- Give a proof of the statement. [Suggestion: If you prefer, you could try proving the contrapositive. Both a direct proof and a proof by contrapositive are roughly of the same difficulty.]
Continue on compact sets
If is compact, then is bounded.
Fix , then (specific open cover) is an open cover of (Since ). Since is compact, then a finite subcover , let , Then
Definition k-cell
A 2-cell is a set of the form
Theorem 2.39 (K-dimension of Theorem)
Theorem 2.38 replace with "closed and bounded intervals" to "k-cells".
Idea of Proof:
Apply the Theorem to each dimension separately.
Theorem 2.40
Every k-cell is compact.
We'll prove the case and (This is to simplify notation. This same ideas are used in the general case)
That is compact.
(Key idea, divide and conquer)
Suppose for contradiction that open cover of with no finite subcovers of
Step1. Divide in half. and and at least one of the subintervals cannot be covered by a finite subcollection of
(If both of them could be, combine the two finite subcollections to get a finite subcover of )
Let be a subinterval without a finite subcover.
Step2. Divide in half. Let be one of these two subintervals of without a finite subcover.
Step3. etc.
We obtain a seg of intervals such that
(b) , is not covered by a finite subcollection of
(c) The length of is
By (a) and Theorem 2.38, .
Since , such that
Since is open, such that
Let be such that . Then by ,
Then is a cover of which contradicts with (b)
Theorem 2.41
If a set in (only in , not for general topological space or metric spaces.) has one of the following three properties, then it has the other two:
(a) is closed and bounded.
(b) is compact.
(c) Every infinite subset of has a limit point in .
We'll prove
Suppose holds, then k-cell such that .By Theorem 2.40, is compact. By Theorem 2.35, is compact.
Follows from Theorem 2.37
We will proceed by contrapositive, which says that
: is not closed or not bounded.
: infinite subcover such that
Suppose does not hold. There are two cases to consider
Case 1: is not bounded. Then such that
Let , then (by Theorem 2.20)
Case 2: is not closed. Then .
Since , such that
Let , we claim . (In fact , but we don't need this in the proof)
We'll show if , then
So is finite. By Theorem 2.20, , this proves the claim so