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Math4111 L9

Lecture 9


  1. Let X=RX=\mathbb{R} (and as usual, let d(x,y)=xyd(x,y)=|x-y|). What is the set B1(0)B_1(0) B1(0)=(1,1)B_1(0)=(-1,1)
  2. Let X=[0,5]X=[0,5] (and let dd be as usual). What is the set B1(0)B_1(0). B1(0)=[0,1)B_1(0)=[0,1)
  3. Let X=RX=\mathbb{R} and let E=[0,2)E=[0,2). Is EE open? No, 00 is not a interior point.
  4. Let X=[0,5]X=[0,5] and let E=[0,2)E=[0,2). Is EE open? Yes, 00 is a interior point, we can set radius to 11 and all the points of B1(0)EB_1(0)\subset E

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Metric space

Theorem 2.27

If XX is a metric spae and EXE\subset X, then.

  1. Eˉ\bar{E} is closed.
  2. E=EˉE=\bar{E} if and only if EE is closed. Proof: E=Eˉ    E=EE    EE    EE=\bar{E}\iff E=E\cup E'\iff E'\subset E\iff E is closed.
  3. EˉF\bar{E}\subset F for every closed set FXF\subset X such that EFE\subset F. FXF\subset X closed, and EFFE'\subset F'\subset F, so Eˉ=EEF\bar{E}=E\cup E'\subset F

Theorem 2.28

ERE\subset \mathbb{R} non-ϕ\phi and bounded above, supEEˉ\sup E\in \bar{E}


Let ysupEy\sup E, To show yEˉy\in \bar{E}, we need to show h>0\forall h>0, Bh(y)EϕB_h(y)\cap E\neq \phi

Let h>0h>0. Since yhy-h is not an upper bound of EE, xE\exists x\in E such that x>yhx>y-h.

Since yy is an upper bound of EE, xyx\leq y. So xBn(y)Ex\in B_n(y)\cap E, so Bh(y)EϕB_h(y)\cap E\neq \phi.


Remark 2.29

Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space, EXE\subset X. "EE is open" is short for "EE is open in XX"/EE is open relative to XX.

This means pE\forall p\in E, r>0{qX:d(p,q)<r}E\exists r>0\{q\in X:d(p,q)<r\}\subset E.

Suppose EYXE\subset Y\subset X. r>0{qY:d(p,q)<r}E\exists r>0\{q\in Y:d(p,q)<r\}\subset E.

Example: X=RX=\mathbb{R}, Y=[0,5]Y=[0,5], E=[0,2)E=[0,2), EE is open in YY, EE is not open on XX.

Theorem 2.30

Let EYXE\subset Y\subset X,then EE is open in Y    GY\iff \exists G open in XX such that E=YGE=Y\cap G


Observe. If pY,r>0p\in Y, r>0, then {qY:d(p,q)<r}={qX:d(p,q)<r}\{q\in Y:d(p,q)<r\}=\{q\in X:d(p,q)<r\} (ball in XX and ball in YY).


Suppose G\exists G open in XX such that E=YGE=Y\cap G. Let pEp\in E. Then pGp\in G so r>0\exists r>0 such that {qX:d(p,q)<r}G\{q\in X:d(p,q)<r\}\subset G intersect both sides with YY to get {qY:d(p,q)<r}GY=E\{q\in Y:d(p,q)<r\}\subset G\cap Y=E


Suppose EE is open in YY. Then pE,rp>0\forall p\in E,\exists r_p>0 such that {qY:d(p,q)<rp}E\{q\in Y:d(p,q)<r_p\}\subset E

Let Vp={qX:d(p,q)<rp}V_p=\{q\in X:d(p,q)<r_p\}, G=pEVpG=\bigcup_{p\in E}V_p.

Each VpV_p is open in XX so GG is open in XX. We need to show E=GYE=G\cap Y.

To show EGYE\subset G\cap Y. pE    pVp    pGp\in E\implies p\in V_p\implies p\in G. So EGE\subset G. Also, by assumption, EYE\subset Y.

To show GYEG\cap Y\subset E.

GY=(pEVp)Y=pE(VpY)EG\cap Y=\left(\bigcup_{p\in E}V_p\right)\cap Y=\bigcup_{p\in E}(V_p\cap Y)\subset E


Compact sets

Definition 2.31/2.32

Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space KXK\subset X.

Let AA be an index set. Suppose αA\forall \alpha\in A, GαG_\alpha is an open set (in XX) and suppose KαEGαK\subset \bigcup_{\alpha\in E}G_\alpha. Then we say {Gα:αA}\{G_\alpha:\alpha\in A\} is an open cover of KK.

Let {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in A} be an open cover of KK. Suppose α1,...,αnA\exists \alpha_1,...,\alpha_n\in A such that Ki=1nGαiK\subset\bigcup_{i=1}^n G_{\alpha_i}. Then we say {Gαi}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n is a finite subcover of {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A} of KK.


We say KK is compact if every open cover of KK contains a finite subcover.

i.e. \forall (This is important) open cover {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A} of KK, \exists finite subcover {Gαi}i=1n\{G_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^n of {Gα}αA\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A} of KK.

Examples: X=RX=\mathbb{R}.

1.K=RK=\mathbb{R}. R\mathbb{R} is not compact.

as we can build an infinite open cover iZ(i,i+2)\bigcup_{i\in Z} (i,i+2) and it does not have a finite subcover because:

Suppose we consider the sub-collection {ni,ni+2:i=1,..,k}\{n_i,n_i+2:i=1,..,k\}, Then N+3N+3 is not in the union, where N=max{n1,...,nk}N=max\{n_1,...,n_k\}.