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Math429 L2

Lecture 2

Chapter I Vector Spaces

Subspaces 1C

Definition 1.33

A subset UU of VV is called subspace of VV is UU is also a vector space with the same additive identity, addition and scalar multiplication as on VV.

Theorem 1.34

Condition for a subspace.

  • Additive identity: 0U0\in U
  • Closure under addition: u,wU,u+wV\forall u,w\in U,u+w\in V
  • Closure under scalar multiplication: aFa\in \mathbb{F} and uVu\in V, auVa\cdot u\in V

Proof If UU is a subspace of VV, then UU satisfies the three conditions above by the definition of vector space.

Conversely, suppose UU satisfies the three conditions above. The first condition ensures that the additive identity of VV is in UU.

The second condition ensures that addition makes sense on UU. The third condition ensures that scalar multiplication makes sense on UU.

If uUu\in U, then u-u is also in UU by the third condition above. Hence every element of UU has an additive inverse in UU. The other parts of the definition of a vector space, such as associativity and commutativity, are automatically satisfied for UU because they hold on the larger space VV. Thus UU is a vector space and hence is a subspace of VV.

Definition 1.36

Sum of subspaces

Suppose V1,...,VmV_1,...,V_m are subspace of VV. The sum of V1,...,VmV_1,...,V_m, denoted by V1+...+VmV_1+...+V_m is the set of all possible sum of elements of V1,...,VmV_1,...,V_m.

V1+...+Vm={v1+...+vm:v1V1,...,vmVm}V_1+...+V_m=\{v_1+...+v_m:v_1\in V_1, ..., v_m\in V_m\}


a sum of subspaces of F3\mathbb{F}^3

Suppose UU is the set of all elements of F3\mathbb{F}^3 whose second and third coordinates equal 0, and 𝑊 is the set of all elements of F3\mathbb{F}^3 whose first and third coordinates equal 0:

U={(x,0,0)F3:xF} and W={(0,y,0)F3:yF}.U = \{(x,0,0) \in \mathbb{F}^3 : x\in \mathbb{F}\} \textup{ and } W = \{(0,y,0) \in \mathbb{F}^3 :y\in \mathbb{F}\}.


U+W={(x,y,0)F3:x,yF}U+W= \{(x,y,0) \in \mathbb{F}^3 : x,y \in \mathbb{F}\}