Lecture 5
Chapter II Finite Dimensional Subspaces
Span and Linear Independence 2A
Definition 2.15
A list of vector in is called linearly independent if the only choice for such that is
If is NOT linearly independent then we call them linearly dependent.
The empty list is linearly independent.
Consider the list with a single vector, , is lienarly independent, if . This implication holds when as long as .
Consider , more generally, , by the definition of linear independence, . This is equivalent to
Case 1: if any of the vector is a zero vector or , assume ( ) then for and any , .
Case 2: if and implies that they lie on the same line.
is linearly independent.
Consider the list , since we can get from a non-trivial solution
Lemma (weak version)
A list of is linearly dependent there is a satisfying ()
is linearly dependent (with at least one )
If , then
Lemma (2.19) (strong version)
If is linearly dependent, then . Moreover,
is linearly dependent . Let be the maximal such that
If , then
Proposition 2.22
In a finite dimensional vector space, if is linearly independent set, and is a Spanning set, then .
Since , for each for some scalar . Consider the equation , (if we write it to the matrix form, it will have more columns than the rows. It is guaranteed to have free variables.)
We will construct a new Spanning set with elements being replaced by 's
Step 1. Consider set . Because then the set is linearly dependent. by lemma 2.19, such that . The lemma 2.19 also implies that we cna remove such that the set is still a Spanning set
Step 2. Consider set
Step k-1. Consider set which is linearly dependent. Apply lemma 2.19 again, we can find there is a . with . Then we remove and update the set.
Basis 2B
Definition 2.26
A linearly independent Spanning set is called a basis. "smallest spanning set"