Lecture 6
Chapter II Finite Dimensional Subspaces
Span and Linear Independence 2A
Proposition 2.22
In a vector space , a spanning list , and an linearly independent list . Then .
Definition 2.26
A list is called a basis if it is a linearly independent spanning list.
Proposition 2.ex.1
A subspace of a finite dimensional vector space is finite-dimensional.
Proof: Let be a finite-dimensional vector space and let be a subspace of
Case 1:
Case 2: where is linearly independent
If , done. If not, then there exists and . This implies . and is linearly independent. Continue until , has a finite spanning set,whose size by Prop 2.22
Theorem 2.28
A list is a basis for if and only if every vector can be uniquely written as
If every with unique choice of , we will show is a basis
Since every is a linear combination of , we deduce
And by assumption, with unique choice of (this choice is ) It implies is linearly independent.
So the list is a basis.
If is a basis, we will show that every can be uniquely written as with unique choice of
Since is a basis, it must spans with each vector being linearly independent.
Since spans , there must be some such that
Since is linearly independent, this implies
Lemma 2.30
Every Spanning set of a vector space can we be reduced into a basis.
ideas of Proof:
If the spanning list is not linearly independent, then use Lemma 2.19 to remove a vector.
Lemma 2.32
Every linearly independent list of vectors in a finite dimensional vector space can be extended with a basis.
ideas of Proof:
If , we can always add another vector to increase the span.
Theorem 2.31
Every finite dimensional vector space has a basis
Proposition (2.33)
Suppose that is finite-dimensional and is a subspace, then such that
Since is a subspace of , then is also finite dimensional. Thus has a basis This list is linearly independent. So we can extend it into a basis for , . Now let
Now we need to prove .
Since and then because is the smallest vector space containing and .
Since is a basis of , every
So .
If , then , , but should be an linearly independent spanning set. this implies So